Sunday, 18 March 2007

The Great Knight

The warm, crackling open fire cast a comforting orange glow throughout the tavern. Jack, a young apprentice of the town's fighters guild had just completed his first official assignment. However this night unlike those previous, he was sat alone, staring into the fire with no expression on his face. He looked troubled, but they say the first contract is always the hardest.

Jack was raised on a nearby farm by his father Ulrik. Three years ago he was killed by a group of orcs raiding it for food and supplies. Thankfully, a gentleman by the name of Julius Thend came to the boy's aid whilst on night patrol.

With no family left, Julius took the boy in and taught him the ways of the blade. Whether it was of natural talent, or the burning passion to avenge his father's death, the boy caught on very swifty. He trained night and day for two years and it was today that he was given the task to fight real blood.

Meanwhile, George was hoovering in Dixons. He had sold four toasters that morning.

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